Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Heartless" the Dia Frampton be the judge

This weekend I was talking with some friends and one friend asked if I had heard of Dia Frampton? I replied no, and asked who she was. My friend informed me she was a contestant on NBC’s The Voice, a singing contest show. I had never heard of the show or her, but that wasn’t a surprise because I rarely watch shows like this because there is so many on now. Nonetheless I asked more about Dia and my friend informed me that she did a remake to Kanye West’s song “Heartless” only unlike Kanye who rapped the song, Dia sang the song. I thought interesting I need to hear this! I am Kanye fan and a huge fan of that particular song. So thanks to YouTube my friend played the song for us, and WOW Dia did and amazing job, so much that I had to blog about it!

After hearing Dia I thought it was a little ironic that a young lady did this remake; it made me think about Taylor Swift. Although the two do not have the same voice or style I thought it was almost like karma for Kanye that a young lady like Dia would do this remake and actually sound amazing! Kanye took Taylor’s shine when she won her award, and now one of his best songs has a remake not done by him that is getting shine.  After chuckling to myself about the karma, I thought if I was Kanye’s manager I would get Dia to collaborate with Kanye at his next performance on this song. It would be a performance to remember for those in the audience especially for those who have not heard Dia sing on the track. The performance would definitely help Kanye’s image as being a “jerk” and maybe even gain him some new fans, not that he has a shortage of those. The YouTube video for Dia’s version already has 370,915 views and it’s only been on YouTube since June 7th. 

Even if the two don’t collaborate lyrically Dia plays the piano while singing the song so Kanye could have her doing the live instrumental for the song while he raps. The next time Kanye has a small intimate show he needs to have Dia as a surprise guest artist on that song. All I’m saying is one of the two’s manager needs to set it up for the two to do something because it would sound great and be a hit!  

If you want to checkout more on Dia Frampton follow this link and to hear her YouTube click here  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mopeds+Entertainers=Entertaining Green Transportation

For the latest in “green” entertainment I read, which gives the latest in all of “green”. I mainly focus on the entertainment, but today my focus was switched to the moped ad at the top of the site. Oddly enough it makes perfect sense to have mopeds on a site promoting “green”. Like a lot of people now days, I too am looking at alternative modes of transportation and San Diego is a perfect city to cruise around on a moped. After my initial thought about cruising around on my moped I began to think about how entertainers could help push the promotions of mopeds, which would help promote a “green” lifestyle. How could this work I thought?

A moped is probably not the first type of vehicle you would think of for say a commercial, but why not there are motorcycle commercials.  When thinking about a commercial, it would not be a traditional one, but then again a moped is not a traditional means of transportation either. So for a non-traditional commercial I would use “unique” person from the entertainment industry. When I say unique I mean someone who is versatile and can reach all audiences. The mopeds shown would have to be just as unique too and a variety would have to be shown too. There are already many different body types for mopeds and one style that personally captures my eye is the sport motorcycle body style. This style catches my eye because I want the moped for its fuel efficiency but I want the style body to fit my personality. If I think this way I am sure others think this way too and if you add say a music artist to the equation you give some people even more reason to make the moped purchase. So how would this advertisement look?

For argument sake, I will use Lil Wayne as the entertainer. The moped company could have Lil Wayne ride their new motorcycle style body moped and they post the video on their website and youtube. By doing this, the company would not have to pay as much for a commercial solely for this style body, but a video clip on the site should work just the same. My thinking is the video being on youtube could give Lil Wayne fans a look at a possible alternative means of transportation that is “cool” enough for Lil Wayne so it has to be “cool” enough for them. Even if the viewer or fan is not worried so much about Lil Wayne, they still have been introduced to the company’s mopeds. The video on the website gives shoppers a video to see how the moped runs but again plays into buyers fascination with the entertainers. In the end Lil Wayne gets a cool new “toy” and some extra publicity, and the moped company gets an entertainer endorsing their product at a cost less than what they would have had to pay…Green Entertainment at its best.